Finding you the best chef vacancies
It’s our job to know about the best chef vacancies positions that are coming up and in some instances, we even know about those positions before they’re actually announced.
At ChefShare we can help you land that next role, taking you on to a next level and setting your career on a higher rung of the ladder.

We understand chefs, because we are chefs
ChefShare was created by chefs for chefs and it’s how we understand the industry better than many other hospitality recruitment agencies. We understand the challenge of turning up on the first day of a new placement with the pressure of delivering a problem-free service.
We understand that not every chef can be placed in the same environment and get the same result. Our work is very nuanced, at Chef Share we do everything in our power to place our chefs in environments where we feel they will thrive and enjoy the work we do. This is turn makes our clients happy and that is how our business grows.
Our understanding of chefs and the catering industry is really what sets us apart and we demonstrate this every day. We are not here to provide you with shifts, we’re here to make sure that you are enjoying what you do and getting everything that you need from our relationship with you.